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“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

How You Can Help

COPAK is committed to communicating our position with respect and kindness. Please review the 10 Habits of Highly Effective Advocates by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (some of which have been slightly changed to fit the message of this particular mission) below


Note to supporters and the COPAK team: Please feel free to share COPAK's website with all your contacts. 


How you can help:

  • Post COPAK's website, articles, and videos and the actions you are taking (sponsors you have contacted, editorials you've written, letters to legislators, etc.) on your personal social media platforms.

  • Write letters to sponsors (see attachment below for a template).

  • Write editorials (see the example below)

  • Contact state legislators (See two examples below- make it your own)

  • Contact local veterinarians with your concerns

  • Sign up for protests

  • Attend rodeos to document footage of animal treatment.

  • Present the COPAK mission to raise awareness and inspire action in the community.


Remember that change takes time, and patience is required!


If you have any additional questions about supporting our cause, please reach out to us through our website.

Please share this flyer above on your social media or website download here.
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